Skin Restoration in Abilene

Turn Back the Clock for Your Skin!

Our non-invasive skin treatments help renew your skin without the need for facelifts or invasive treatments, leaving you feeling satisfied with your appearance and comfortable with the process that helped you get there!

Our Skin Restoration Services Include


A minimally invasive process that uses a special diamond-surfaced applicator to gently “sand away” your thick, old outer layer of skin to make way for the new!

It will:

  • Smoothen out your skin tone and texture
  • Reduce breakouts
  • Create a refreshed and clean feeling
  • Prevent premature aging
  • Heal sun exposure
  • Allow hydration to dry skin
  • Reduce wrinkles

Ask about our Brightening Microdermabrasion!

Skin Pen

A micro-needling medical device, this is the first and only certified and FDA-approved pen to treat adults’ facial acne scars. It will help reduce those last stubborn signs of acne to enhance your complexion to flawless clarity!


Also known as microplaning or blading, this non-invasive skin treatment gives you baby smooth skin almost instantly without a recovery period or any side effects! How it works is an esthetician uses a scalpel to scrape dead skin cells and hair off the face to exfoliate your skin.

It will help to:

  • Repair sun-damaged skin
  • Even-out your skin tone
  • Remove fine wrinkles
  • Prevent blemishes by removing the dead skins cells and hair that trap dirt and oil

Schedule Your Skin Restoration Service Today!